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The nine maps in this section show problems that torment women and their families everywhere.
If you collaborate with other women to attack these problems, you will, quite literally, change the world.
Learn more about poverty, unequal work opportunities, women's literacy, the global sex trade, HIV & AIDS, domestic violence, maternal mortality, dirty water and women's rights.
Discover more about how women live in other countries through what they create: books, music, movies. Find places to purchase their crafts, jewelry, and clothing designs. Try recipes from all over the world (included: conversion tables to help prepare them).
Want to study in other countries with women who teach traditional crafts
like lace making? Want to hike in the Himalayas with a Nepalese woman
trekking guide? Dine in a Marrakech garden restaurant owned by 16 women
chefs from Fez? You can!
You can help solve the problems that plague women and their families everywhere. Activism can be as ordinary as drinking a cup of coffee. Or as extraordinary as doing volunteer work on a vacation in another country.
This section includes all kinds of ideas including: children, ending hunger, giving animals, leadership, policy, shopping, volunteer ideas and ways to help women. The nonprofits in the ACT section not only benefit women, they are run by women (that’s unusual: men are six times more likely to run large non-profits*) Women-led nonprofits doubly deserve your support: their Founders, Presidents, Board Chairs, CEOs and/or Executive Directors are women who light the dark!
*Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter 2010 issue, page 11, details this new research from the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs